What About Your Talents


August 24, 2014 by maryruwe


Have you ever wondered what talents you have to offer to God?  

Ever compare yourself to someone else?  Ever wonder if your talent is good enough for Kingdom service?  What about questioning whether God really does have a plan and purpose for your life? 

The answer is yes, you have something to offer God; yes, you are fit for Kingdom service; and yes, you do have a purpose in the Kingdom of God.    

As I was reading about of the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30, there were a couple of things that jumped out at me.  The first thing was that each of the three servants had the same amount of time to perfect, improve, and gain a return on the talent God had given them.  They each had the same amount of time before the Master returned to receive an account from them.  He was not so concerned with the differences in the return on the talents (the increase from five to ten, and two to four) as he was in their stewardship of what he had left them in charge over. The second thing is that all of us will give an account to God for our talents; how we use our money and how we use our natural gifts and talents.

All three of servants had the same master who was considered to be a hard man. However, two chose to respond positively (faith), while the third chose to respond negatively (fear).  Fear will always cause us to step back and hide.  Faith will always cause us to step out and move forward.  The first two servants had a positive perspective which spurred hope in their hearts and caused them to do something with the talents the master had given them.  In the end they received a promotion and more given to them.  The third servant had a negative perspective which caused him to hide; and in the end he had nothing!  Notice that the master didn’t compare them with each other. He did not judge them as a group.  Each was held accountable for their own actions (Romans 14:12).

The Bible tells us there is seed-time or a time to plant, and a time to pluck up or to harvest (Ecclesiastes 3:2).   So there must always be a seed-time, a planting time before any harvest can come.  One cannot reap unless one sows.  It can’t be done.  It’s that simple. The point I want to make is that the master sowed when he left his servants in charge of his goods while he was away; he sowed into their lives.

Now this parable is talking about a monetary amount given to three servants to manage while the master was gone, but the lesson here also applies to our natural gifts and talents.  We need to know that God has given each of us talents, abilities, and gifts to use for His Kingdom.  It’s not about how much money we have or how many talents, skills and abilities.  It’s about our faithfulness and stewardship to use what talent we have to serve God.  It’s about how we spend our time, how well we equip ourselves to perfect and use our talents.  If we neglect our talents, skills and abilities, it is the same as hiding them.

talents3[1]I challenge you to not hide your gifts or compare your gifts and calling with anyone else.  God has a plan and purpose for each of us and there is no need for comparison.  No need to judge.  There is only the need to cooperate with and help each other as we serve God.  Be all you can be.  Indeed, be all you are called to be.

Matthew 19:26    With God all things are possible.

Philippians 4:13    We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

2 thoughts on “What About Your Talents

  1. Art says:

    This is a good encouraging word. Thank you.

  2. Nancy Lee Ruwe says:

    Very well written, Mary!

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