Look What the Lord Has Done


September 17, 2014 by maryruwe

Car_with_Hood_Up[1]This week’s post is a little different in the sense that I’m sharing more on a personal note.   I actually had begun an article, which I will share another time, before we left home to visit friends and family in another state.  I was thinking I would finish it while away.   However, my laptop didn’t cooperate so now, after just getting home last night, I’m trying to play catch-up.  Ever feel that way?  Like the plans you have somehow just keep getting changed and pushed to the back side of the things to do.  Let me tell you about our traveling experience last week.

As I said we were traveling to another state for a retirement celebration of some dear friends and then to visit with some family.  We stopped to get gas, pulled up to the pump, got gas, pulled up to the building to get a snack, and then….the car wouldn’t start; the battery in our car decided to die.  We are very grateful that it happened at a gas station, in town, and not on the road or at a rest stop in the middle of nowhere!  The only reason I knew the address to tell the Road Side Assistance was because it was on the receipt!   Remember there is always something to be thankful for, no matter what situation you find yourself in.  That one mishap cost us about 4 hours in traveling, not to mention the cost of a new battery.  However, I say again, there is always something to be grateful for, and we were grateful that it was cloudy that day and not blistering hot as we waited in the car.

So no matter what circumstances you find yourself in LOOK TO GOD for calmness to think clearly, peace to wait for help, knowing that though you were perhaps taken by surprise, HE was not!  I find that very comforting in knowing that God not only knows what’s going to happened but He has the solution.  We were grateful that the store where we found the new battery had one.  Would you believe it….they only had two kinds of batteries and only one would fit our car.  Thank you Jesus.  As I was thinking about this and looking at what God had done for us, I thought there is a message in the word “look”.

L – look to God in every situation.  He is never caught off guard or surprised by what happens.  He has the solution for us when we look to Him.

O – omit hindrances in your life.  Keep strife, anger, jealousy, impatience, etc., out of your heart, your words, and life.

O – obey God’s Word.  Walk in love, kindness, patience toward everyone.  They may be having a worse day than you.

K- keep yourself pure in heart, word, thoughts and action.  Always try to exhibit the love of God every day, all day, in every situation, to everyone.

Psalm 34:1 —  I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. 


3 thoughts on “Look What the Lord Has Done

  1. Enola says:

    Well said Mary!!!

  2. Sandy Mack says:

    Thank you Mary, boy did I need to hear this today!

  3. Lisa G says:

    Glad you shared this, Mary!

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