The Pruning Process – Part 2


March 9, 2015 by maryruwe


Last week we studied in John 15:1-2 how the vinedresser prunes the branches of a tree in order for it to grow more fruit.  We learned also that this is what God does in our heart to change us to more accurately reflect His Image.  We also learned that submitting quickly to His Word of correction makes the process easier than if we are stubborn and un-submissive which prolongs the process.  If the pruning process is prolonged then the “snips” will become “major cutting away” of imperfections.  There is no rejection from God, nor is there any condemnation from Him.  He loves us and sent Jesus to save us not to condemn us (John 3:16-17).

As I was reading this chapter in John, I received a picture of a small tree or maybe a bush.  It was all filled out with nice looking branches and leaves. Then I saw the gardener coming towards the tree with pruning shears in his hand.  The tree began moving from side to side and shirking away, trying to dodge the pruning that the gardener was trying to do.

Then I hear the Lord say, “That’s what my people do.  They say they want to be holy, that they want to be pure but when I come to cut away that which is impure, they pull away from me and cringe in fear.   A tree can look good from a distance but as one gets closer the dead twigs and leaves can no longer be hidden but can then be seen.  This is how my people are: they look good on the outside but inwardly in the heart there are things that need to be pruned out”.

Then I realized that I was the tree and I cried out, “O God, help me”.  In that second, I could see a saw-blade coming towards me, piercing my heart; and I took a deep breath.  Then it was gone.  It was over.  And I heard Father God say, “There, now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword.  It is powerful and piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.  (Hebrews 4:12)

God deals with our heart.  If we have a fearful-sensitive-fragile heart then this pruning process takes longer.  If we have a hard heart that is so rigid, defiant, rebellious, and self-willed, this too will prolong the process.  Both of these hearts are based in fear; even fear of God.  If we have a stable heart, one that is more submissive; being quick to repent and quick to obey, this pruning process is shortened.

Our fear of change, our fear of the unknown will keep us from trusting Him when He asks us to step out of our comfort zone and will ultimately keep us from walking in the blessings He has for us.

So let’s not rely on our own righteousness which are like filthy rags according to Isaiah 64:6;  but as Philippians 3:9 tells us, let’s rely on the righteousness of Christ that we can receive by faith in God.  As we keep our focus and attention on Him, seeking first His Kingdom and Righteousness, (Matthew 6:33), He is well able to change us into His Image, from glory to glory by His Holy Spirit who lives in us.



One thought on “The Pruning Process – Part 2

  1. Karla says:

    This reminds me of Romans 12:1 Putting ourselves on the alter of sacrifice as a living sacrifice.

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