The Abundance of the Heart


April 20, 2015 by maryruwe

Have you ever had a day that is just full of interruptions?  I have.  So much that it’s hard to get anything done.  I just go from one crisis to the next that pops up, and never really completing a task or getting anything accomplished.  Those days are a bit frustrating, to say the least.  It’s during those busy times we begin to feel irritated not only because of the nature work involved in those interruptions but toward others we have contact with concerning the work.  Then it hit me – “light bulb” – one day when I was feeling irritated.  It wasn’t just because of the interruptions and crisis of the work day it was also because I was getting “low on the Word-level”.  On that particular busy day, I had already “spent” most of the Word-level that I had stored in my heart from my morning devotions.

Matthew 12:34 tells us that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.  In the natural if we have been working hard our bodies get tired and need to be refreshed.  It’s the same way with our mind and emotions.  If we get too stressed from “giving of ourselves” we may need to take time to be refreshed.  Perhaps this is why in the work place employees are given 15 minutes of break time in the mornings and afternoons. Some days are just busier than others and we empty ourselves of strength more quickly at those times.  It only stands to reason that we should take a break and clear our mind.

The Bible calls this “renewing our minds” in Romans 12:2.  We have to monitor and check the level of our heart concerning the Word.  If we allow ourselves to get too full of the world, then we will begin to think and act like the world.  Worldly thoughts will begin to seep into our heart if we don’t continually keep the Word of God before us.  We must be determined to focus on God and His Word throughout the day.

If we fill a glass with water and begin to slowly pour it out it will take longer to empty the glass.  But if we pour quickly the glass is soon emptied of its contents.  So it is with our heart.  We may fill our heart in the morning with our devotional and prayer time with God, but during that busy day of interruptions and schedule changes etc, our patience, kindness, love, gentleness, etc, may be emptied from us quicker.

We must remember that whatever is in abundance is in our heart is what has more strength or power or dominance to operate in our lives.  Whatever we spend the majority of our time focusing on will have the greatest influence in our lives.  If we want the love of God to operate in our lives at all times, then we must be sure to “refresh and renew our minds” with His Word throughout the day.

Matthew 12:34   …for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

Have a very good day and keep the abundance of God’s Word-level high in your heart.



2 thoughts on “The Abundance of the Heart

  1. Sandy Mack says:

    It’s 3:30 am and my mind is cluttered with busy thoughts. Thanks for this good word, I needed it this morning.

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