Let’s Have Some Fun


June 8, 2015 by maryruwe

thR2YVEV7B Remember going to the park and playing on the swings, sliding down that high slide?  What about the merry-go-round; I really liked it when I was younger.  How about those monkey-bars?  Probably showing my age on that, since I think they are called a by different name now.  Hah!  When I was young picnics were the gathering place on the warm days.  The summer holidays were at the park with large family gatherings, with lots of food, and the kids running and playing.  The adults would sit around in lawn chairs visiting and enjoying the peacefulness of the day – except for the noise of the kids playing!  But even those somewhat wildly screams seemed peaceful because there was hardly any arguing; and that’s always peaceful to parents.

We laugh when something is funny; perhaps a joke or when someone says something funny.  Some people laugh when they get nervous.  There is laughter and joy at weddings.  And sometimes there is laughter at a funeral when we’re remembering the fun time we had with the person now gone.   Some may laugh with more of just a smile than sound, another with just a chuckle, and others laugh with more volume.  But regardless of which expression we use, we are showing some joyousness in our heart.  I’ve heard it taught that even though joy and laughter are seen together, the very basis for their existence is different; saying that laughter from happiness is because things are going right; while joy is the condition of our heart and based in the Word of God, the very person of Jesus.

God made us different because He likes variety, ever think of that?  All we have to do is look at creation and we know God is into differences; differences that draws beauty together and brings harmony.  Though our own unique personalities are a little different from each other, we are to draw together in the love of God and bring beauty and harmony to the world we live in.  When talking with my Lord about what topic should I write for this article I heard, “Let’s have some fun”.  The first couple of things that came to mind were laughter and joy.  God’s Word has several things to say about both.

There is the laughter of disbelief.  Sometimes we may laugh or chuckle in disbelief at the promises of God just like Abraham and Sarah did at the thought that they might have a child in their old age. But when the promise came true, there was laughter and joy in that promise and their faith and trust in God grew.  (Genesis 17:17; 18:12; 21:6)  We might also be guilty of disbelief when our lives seem contrary to the teaching of God’s blessings of healing or prosperity.  The only way to counter this disbelief that rises against us is to make a decision to believe God’s Word, change our thinking, and allow His Word to come become a reality in our life.

There is laughter that brings strength.  Nehemiah 8:10 tells us that the joy of the Lord is our strength.  It doesn’t matter what causes the stress in our life or the number of responsibilities we have, God is able to give us the strength to overcome and complete our tasks.  Something wonderful happens inside of us when we praise the Lord God. His strength over-shadows us and becomes our strength and we are able to continue on with our work with joy because we know He is with us always.

There is joy in serving the Lord.  Psalm 100:1-2 teaches us to make a joyful shout to the Lord and to serve the Lord with gladness.  No matter what we are doing, if we keep our focus on God and His love, it will go smoothly and quickly and most of the time be done more accurately.

There is a joy that displaces anxiousness.  Philippians 4:4-7 shows us that are not to worry or be anxious.  When we keep our mind on the Lord and rejoice in Him, we will have peace in our mind and heart.

thUFF12736There is a joy that brings forth healing.  Proverbs 15:13, 17:22 are Scriptures that show us how important joyfulness is to having good health.  Joyfulness or a merry heart, and praising the Lord cause a chain reaction of chemicals in our brain that penetrates throughout our bodies for good health.  (A Side note:  I’m reading the book, “Switch On Your Brain”, by Dr. Caroline Leaf, a communication pathologist and audiologist, where she teaches how our thoughts affect every area of our life; “The vast majority of the illnesses that plague us today are a direct result of our thought life”.  Check out her website: http://drleaf.com/  for more information.)

So let’s go ahead and have some FUN this week. Fellowship with Jesus on a daily basis; meet a friend for lunch, go to the park and if you don’t want to play on the swings or slide, watch the children and rejoice in their fun.  Go for a walk and enjoy the outdoors.  Understand how much God loves you; He sent His only son to restore you and me to Him.  (John 3:16)  Go forth and share His Love with others.  They need Him too.  (Mark 16:15)  Nurture the Love of God daily in your heart by renewing your mind to the Word of God, (Romans 12:2) and then reach out to others to show His Love for them, helping each other to grow strong in the Lord.

And remember:



Having Jesus in my heart and life is the only way I want to live.  Real happiness and joy come from knowing Him as my Savior and living for Him.  Hope it the same for you too.


4 thoughts on “Let’s Have Some Fun

  1. Lisa G says:

    🙂 Laughing together is one of the things I miss most with you not here. Love your laugh, Mary!

    OH and I caught some of Dr. Leaf on Brother Copeland’s show recently.

    Have a joyful day! 🙂

  2. karlajetat says:

    I love to laugh!

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