Brothers, Aren’t They Wonderful


January 18, 2016 by maryruwe

th  Brothers, aren’t they wonderful? I have five brothers and each have always carried a special place in my heart; each so different and yet also very unique. Today is the birthday of my brother Phil. Though he is ten years older, thinking of him brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart. I remember all the funny things he did when we were growing up; he brought laughter into our home. Laughter was a much needed commodity in those days. Brothers may tease us and sometimes it might seem more like torment, but when we needed them, they were there to protect and help us. There may have been times of frustration and arguments but what I remember is their vigilance in looking out for one another and especially their sisters.

I remember as a teen I had a friend who began smoking. I remember trying it myself. The reason I mention this is because it was my brother Phil who talked with me about it. I remember sitting under a tree in the front yard for this discussion.   I’m not sure now whether he asked me not to smoke, or in that brotherly way of his told me not to smoke, but what I do know is that I never smoked (or tried) again. I am forever grateful that he cared enough to say something to me.

My oldest brother was a lot like our Dad, and my youngest brother is even more like him. The middle brothers I think carried more of our mother’s personality and traits. All of us carry traits of our parents; even adoptive children sometimes carry traits from both their biological parents as well as their adoptive parents.  I look at it this way; since we are a spirit, have a soul, and live in a body, I think of it as having a natural DNA and a spiritual DNA. We are related in the natural by the DNA of our parents and we are related to God, as His children by the Spiritual DNA of Jesus Blood when we accept Him as Savior. As children of God our lives are to reflect God’s character; as servants of Christ we are to conduct our lives in such a way that the world around us knows He loves them. Our lives are to bring the saving Grace of God to a lost world through the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and be an encouragement to our brothers and sisters in the Lord.

There are brothers mentioned in the Bible too. Some were good to each other and some not so good. But they are listed in the Bible for our example either to follow or to avoid (1 Corinthians 10:11). Some would include:

Cain and Abel – Genesis 4:1-2

Esau and Jacob – Genesis 25:25-26

Joseph and his brothers – Genesis 30:1-24

Moses and Aaron – Exodus 2:1-10 and 4:14

Jonathan and David – 1 Samuel 18:1-3, by the covenant they made with each other.

Peter and Andrew – Luke 6:14

James and John – Mark 3:17

Jesus had nature “step-brothers” – James 1:1, Jude 1, even though they refer to themselves as servants of Jesus.  There might have been more than two brothers.

There is also the recognition of what is called the brotherhood of man, which has its basis on the common creation of mankind found in Genesis 1:26-28. Just because we are human we have this connection with each other. But the bond between brothers-in-Christ is probably the strongest bond we have.

Many of us have brothers in our natural family and many of us also have friends that we sometimes refer to as brothers. There are people with like beliefs who refer to one another as brothers. The Apostles in their letters often referred to other believers as brothers or brethren. This bond that we have with those of like faith is very strong and is needful for our spiritual growth. Now obviously family brothers can be “faith-brothers” too and what a blessing that bond is; but that is not always the case. But either way we cannot deny the love and bond we have with our natural family brothers. They are wonderful.

So what do we learn from the list of brothers mentioned above in the Bible; several things.

Cain’s jealously of Abel cause him to murder his brother. By the way this is God’s first family on earth! Just a thought for you to consider when you think your family is a bit dysfunctional.

Esau’s lack of reverence for his birthright brought him to the decision to sell it to Jacob for a bite of food!

Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery because of their jealously and hatred; but because of his love and devotion to God he had the courage to walk in love and forgiveness toward them years later.

Moses’ lack of self-esteem about his ability to speak caused him to question God’s calling on his life, therefore opening a door for God to send his brother Aaron to help. However I must mention here that having low self-esteem is no excuse for anyone to refuse God’s calling on our life.

Jonathan and David honored the covenant between them so much that Jonathan warned David of Saul’s (Jonathan’s father) plan to kill him (1 Samuel 18:1-3).  Years later after Jonathan’s death, David so honored the covenant that he searched for Jonathan’s family to bless them (2 Samuel 9:1-7).

Peter and Andrew, James and John, worked together in the Kingdom of God promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Even Jesus’ brothers James and Jude submitted their lives unto Jesus and joined the other disciples in promoting the Gospel. 

This is no way an exhaustive teaching on the cause and effect brothers have on each other and their families. My purpose this week is to open our eyes to how wonderful brothers are and be thankful for them; and perhaps more to brothers than anyone else, let them know their lives DO matter and have influence on others. So do not be dismayed or discouraged for God is at work in you and is well able to complete His will and purpose in your life that He has begun. Do not grow weary but continue to fight the good fight of faith, and complete the course before you.

Brother, you are wonderful!


2 thoughts on “Brothers, Aren’t They Wonderful

  1. Sandy says:


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