Think Myself Happy

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October 3, 2016 by maryruwe

thDo you think you can “think” yourself happy? Apparently the Apostle Paul did.  In Acts 26:2 Paul says makes a statement, “I think myself happy”.   Now the circumstances in his life at that moment were not the best in the world, but he chose to monitor his thinking and his thinking monitored he words.  So he was practicing what he wrote in Philippians 4:11, “for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.

Do you agree that you can think yourself happy?  Maybe you even think that such a possibility is too good to be true.  Perhaps you are thinking that you need to spend your faith-time and energy on other matters; like your health issues, financial problems, or family matters that need to be resolved.  Now some of you may be thinking that your thoughts will never change your situations. If that’s you (and many of us have thought that at least once) then I would say this is why we need to make a commitment to change our way of thinking to God’s way of thinking, for His thoughts and ways are higher than ours.  (Isaiah 55:9)  If we are stuck in the mentality that our thoughts don’t matter – well – this is why I’m writing about it today.  So read on and then make your decision about your way of thinking.

Obviously, when we get a raise in salary at work it brings happiness to know our paycheck will last longer in the month.  We are also happy to hear a good report from our doctor regarding the results of medical tests.  And of course, having family issues reconciled also brings us happiness.  These are all natural events and circumstances that a person can base some of their happiness in (you could probably think of some others), but if we’re depending on circumstances to make us happy, then what happens when those circumstances change.  I’ll tell you what happens.  Our happiness goes down the tubes.  However, there is a better, more confident way that will keep us in the “happy-mode”, and that is our relationship and fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:21 that death and life are in the power of the tongue.  When we have negative attitudes we say negative things, and that just keeps things changing for the worse.  The power in our words works negatively and well as positively.  Your words determine your life.  My words work in my life.

However, when we base our happiness on Jesus, the Word of God, whose promises never change, then no matter what is happening in our natural lives, we can remain steady in the happiness or joy of the Lord.  How is this possible?  By keeping our thoughts and focus on Him.  Happiness that is based in Jesus, the Word of God, is stronger and more powerful than any happiness based on what’s happening in this world.

About now you might be wondering what all this speaking has to do with thinking ourselves happy.  Well, the progression is like this: we are what we think and what we think is what we speak.  Our words define our lives.  So if we want to change the circumstances in our lives, we must begin at the beginning, which is how we think.  First Corinthians 2:16 tells us that we have the mind of Christ.  We are to be like-minded with Jesus. Jesus said he only did that which He saw the Father do; He came to do the will of the Father.  Jesus is our example and to follow His example we must know what the Father said. The only way we know what He said is by reading and studying His Word, and as we do our mind is renewed – restored – revived – and transformed. (Romans 12:2)  This renewal changes our thinking from the world’s way of doing things to God’s way of doing things.

Remember, negative thinking produces negative emotions and results in our lives, especially in regard to our health.  The opposite is also true.  Positive thoughts produce positive emotions and results in our lives, especially in regard to our health. Eternal thoughts – God’s Word – and speaking His Word over ourselves produces positive results in both in our natural life and in our spirit.  Science is even proving the Word of God to be true – we are what we think.  If you would like more scientific in-depth study on how our thinking affects us, Dr Caroline Leaf has two books on the subject of how our thinking affects us. (Who Switched off My Brain, and Switch on Your Brain).

So go ahead and begin to think the happy thoughts that God loves you, God has good plans for you, God wants you to be healthy and prosperous, God wants you to be wise in making decisions, and God wants you to be happy.

Philippians 4:11 for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.

Romans 12:2 and be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.

Proverbs 23:7  for as a man thinks in his heart so is he.

First Corinthians 2:26  we have the mind of Christ.

Proverbs 18:21  death and life are in the power of the tongue.

Third John 2  beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

Acts 26:2  I think myself happy.


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