Prayer For Presidential Inauguration


January 18, 2017 by maryruwe

th This week I want to pray for the leaders of our Country.  Our new President will be sworn into office this Friday and I think it appropriate to pray.  In First Timothy 2:1-3 we are “exhorted first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all who are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.  For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior”.

In our time we would and can replace the word “kings” with President, Governor, Congressmen, Senators, and Mayors, etc.  Anyone we can think of who is in the place of authority we are to pray for them.  It doesn’t matter whether or not we like their personality.  It doesn’t even matter whether or not we voted for them.  What matters is whether or not we are praying for them, and praying for them according to the Word of God.  It’s that simple. The Scripture above tells us why – because it is good and acceptable to God for us to pray, AND that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life.

If you are feeling disgruntled about the elections, let me give you a clue, according to the Word of God, as a believer, you are not excused from praying for those in authority.  We’re all still to pray that they have wisdom for all the decisions they make; pray for them to have good health, for their safety, and for them to have favor with other diplomats from other countries, and that they hear from God and do right before Him, so that we can live a peaceful life.  That is what the Scripture above promises – peace – when we pray.

Now some of you might think I have my head in the sand, but I also read in Philippians 4:4 that we are to “rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, rejoice”.  Guess he thought we needed to hear that twice!  It goes on to say in the next few verses that we are not to be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let our requests known to God; and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Now that we have had a short lesson on why we should pray for our leaders, let’s begin.

“Father God, I come to you in the Name of Jesus Your Son.  I’m praying specifically for the Presidential Inauguration this coming Friday.  I pray for safety and good health for all who are traveling.  I pray for all those in authority – government officials as well as those working in our protective agencies – police and military; for their safety; for them to be alert and have great wisdom to do their jobs well.  I pray for good communication between all those conducting this event so that all goes smoothly; no complications, no problems.  I call upon our ministering angels to go forth revealing any evil plans to disrupt this event that those plans be dispelled.   I thank You Lord that you are true to Your Word and when we obey to pray for those in authority over us, we can have Your peacefulness in our lives.  In Jesus Name, Amen.”



One thought on “Prayer For Presidential Inauguration

  1. Lisa G says:

    Adding my amen!!!

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