July 4th Freedom

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July 2, 2018 by maryruwe

thI’ve been thinking a lot about the Fourth of July and all that it represents.  It’s more than the fireworks and picnics with family and friends; it’s about our way of life based on the true meaning of our Constitution.  It’s about living the American Dream of having the freedom to work in a vocation we choose, and build a dream; not about others working and giving to us at their expense.  It’s about having the freedom of speech to say what we believe and how we feel, and not have others take away our freedom just because they disagree.

Each year we celebrate the beginning of our freedom and independence as a country.  I say beginning because we are still fighting to keep and maintain our freedom and independence; not so much from other countries even though that is a part of it, but mostly from within. We have an underlining threat from those who want to change our Country to other than the Republic that was established by our Four-fathers.  We must know what our Constitutional rights and freedoms are, and be willing to stand up for them.  This is not always an easy task but that doesn’t change the fact that if we want to remain free we must take our responsibilities as citizens to maintain our freedom.

In order to maintain the national freedom of our County, we must also understand that freedom actually begins in the heart where the sustainable foundation for these freedoms is formed.  This foundation can only be found in the Bible and in our love for God and His Son Jesus.  Anything short of this God-centered foundation for our Country will deprive us of the blessings of God.

We must uphold our faith in God who created this world; in our churches, in our homes, our workplace; in our schools and universities (educational system), and in all levels of government.   This Nation – the United States of America – has the high calling of God as the foundation running throughout its history. There have been mistakes made in the past but we need to remember those mistakes so we don’t repeat them again. (Maybe we should keep monuments or statues for this reason and not tear them down).  We must unite and build on the strengths that bind us together – the love of our freedom for our Country is not enough – we need the love of God in our hearts to bind us together.  Praying for our Country will bind us together.  God promises to heal our land when we pray and repent.

Second Chronicles 7:14 – “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”.

Notice that praying and repenting are the prerequisites for forgiveness and healing; and that it’s God’s people doing the praying and repenting for the entire Country.  Therefore let’s pray for revival in our Country, repent for the sins of our Country and reach forth in faith to receive the healing for our Country as God promised.








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