Fear Not, Worry Not, But Rejoice

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September 10, 2018 by maryruwe


We live in such a fast-pace world that sometimes it’s hard to slow down and enjoy the world around us.  I know some may think there is not much to enjoy in this world of crime, confusion, health and financial problems, but it is possible to enjoy this life when we enjoy it God’s way.

Philippians 4:6 tells us to, “be careful for nothing” and it means don’t worry.  Some other translations say “be anxious for nothing”.  The second part of that verse tells us how to do that; by prayer, with thanksgiving we are to take our requests to God.  Then verse 8 tells us what we should think about: what is true, noble, just, lovely, good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy.  If we want those attributes in our lives then we must take time to fellowship with Jesus, our Savior.  The same truth is taught in John 14:1, Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me”.  We must understand that the choice is ours, to worry or to not worry.

If God told one person not to fear then He is also telling us to not fear.  In Genesis 15:1 God told Abraham to fear not. In Genesis 26:24 God told Isaac not to fear.   In Joshua 10:8 God told Joshua not to fear.  In Matthew 1:20 Joseph was told to fear not to take Mary for his wife.  In Luke 8:50 Jesus told Jairus to not be afraid but only believe.

Paul teaches in Second Timothy 1:7 that fear is a spirit and is not from God but that God gives us power, love and a sound mind.  Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:25 that, “life is more than meat (food) and raiment (clothing). When Jesus tells us in Matthew 10:31 that the very hairs on our head are numbered and we are of more value than sparrows then there is no reason for us to fear or worry.

When I realized how much God loves me it set me free from fear; it set me free from worry; and it freed me to enjoy my life.  I learned that fear is from the devil and not from God. (2 Timothy 1:7)  I learned that there is no reason to worry when I can pray the power of God into every situation. I learned to keep my thoughts focused on Jesus regardless of the circumstances, and to keep my words in agreement with His Word.  Does this mean that I don’t have opportunities to fear or to worry?  Certainly not; everyone has those opportunities, but with every opportunity there is the power of God to help us.  I learned to find Scripture for the problems in my life.  I took time to look up Scriptures to build up my faith so I could believe for the victory that was and is mine in Christ Jesus.  I still look up Scriptures today and meditate on them.

We’ve established that we are not to fear and not to worry so now let’s talk about how being joyful is a remedy for them.  Joy is a decision; a decision to believe God’s Word over any difficulty that we are facing.  Isaiah 61:3 teaches us that praise is a garment (protection) “against” heaviness.  Heaviness of heart comes with thinking negatively about situations, and life in general, rather than thinking positively and with faith in God to bring good from a particular situation and good to our lives.  (Romans 8:28)

The reason we can be joyful in difficult situations is because of our faith in God’s Word.  Faith and joy work together like power twins, always working together to bring God’s goodness to us.  Faith comes from hearing and hearing the Word of God. (Romans 10:17)  As we read and study God’s Word our faith grows stronger and our confidence increases in God’s faithfulness to perform His Word, not just in our life but in us.  This strong faith in God brings joy to us.

It works like this: faith builds joy; joy pushes out fear and worry and joy brings in the peace of God, guarding our heart and mind through Christ Jesus.

When we continually “rejoice in the Lord always” we are continually speaking victory into our lives over the fear and worry that the devil wants to bring to us.  Rejoicing is the praise-garment that helps to keep our faith strong to protect us from the fiery darts of the enemy.  (Ephesians 6:16)   Joy works in our heart and spirit much the same way that our blood works in our body.  Our blood moves through the body administering nutrients to our muscles, organ, and bones.  Joy moves through our spirit, mind, and body administering the very life of God in us.  The decision to rejoice in the Lord is one way we submit to God’s Word in faith believing that He is working everything out for our good.  (Romans 8:28)

Father God, I thank you for your great love and your many blessings.  I ask that you reveal to us where any fear or worry has crept in to our hearts and minds, and give us the boldness to believe your word for the victory you have made available to us in Your Word.  Help us Lord to understand that faith is the affirmation of what we believe in you, and that our joy is the expression of our faith.







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