Think On This: We Are To Love One Another

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September 2, 2019 by maryruwe

thIn my first search about loving others, I found twenty-two references in the New Testament where we are told to love one another.  There may be more references of course, directly and indirectly, but we’ll just begin with a couple.

The first one is John 13:34-35.  Jesus is talking with His disciples about His time to leave them, and He gives a new commandment to love one another as He has love them. Then He said that all will know they are His disciples if they have love for one another.

Kindness is one way to express love sincerely.  Ephesians 4:32 shows us two ways to express kindness; we are to be tenderhearted and forgiving.  Tenderheartedness is the ability to care with softness, and of course forgiving another is not holding harsh feelings of bitterness and anger toward those who have hurt us.

Kindness is heard in the choice and tone of our words.  We must remember that a soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger (Proverbs 15:1).  When we notice that there is strive and tension in our home, look at how the words are being spoken, and then change the atmosphere by softer tones to our voice, and perhaps even the choice of words to speak.  The volume of one’s voice makes a big difference too.  The same words spoken with kind tones bring a better response than a loud volume; especially during a disagreement.  It is possible to disagree about something and it be done with respect, and, without being judgmental. 

Forgiveness is a major element necessary in a believer’s heart to live pleasingly to God. Yes, the Bible says in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith it is impossible to please God, but please note that without faith it is also impossible to forgive.  We must learn to ask and receive forgiveness from God, and, we must learn to extend forgiveness to others.  The love-walk cannot be done without also the forgiving-walk.  It’s that simple.  We often think of the love-walk as a joy and forget that the forgiving-walk can also bring joy to us.  Both are needed to be who we are to be in Christ.

Giving gifts is another way of showing we care.  Many give gifts at birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, Easter, and sometimes just because we want to be a blessing.  How about just spending time with someone.  As I get older, I give the time spent visiting with family a higher value than even gifts.  So, I would say to the younger generations, learn to talk with people beyond the texting. It’s more enjoyable to see an actual smile on someone’s face than an emoji on a text, and to hear actual laughter than see a smiley face.

Other ways to show kindness to our family is to get a job and work for a living; budget your money correctly so bills can be paid, clothing and food purchased to sustain your family.  Learn to save money for unexpected costs, such as when the car, refrigerator, stove, or air-conditioner need repaired.   These are ways of showing love to our family that go unnoticed at times but are very necessary in life.  Also learn to have fun together.  It doesn’t have to be a big expensive vacation necessarily; but do take time to just have fun together.

In this post, specifically, we have been discussing our ways to show love to others since we have already talked about showing love to God in previous posts. However, it goes without saying that when we show love and respect to others, we are also giving honor, respect, and love to our Lord because God is love. (1 John 4:7-8)  It is also true that when we show our love for God it will overflow to showing love to others.  One thing I have learned over the years is the closer I draw to God and purpose to walk in agreement with His Word, the easier it is for me to love others.

John 15:12, 17, new commandment-love one another

Galatians 5:13, through love serve one another

1 John 3:23, this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment

1 John 4:11, beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another









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