The Arrival of Jesus

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December 16, 2019 by maryruwe

imagesLast week we studied about the announcements of two babies; John the Baptist, to Zacharias and Elizabeth; and Jesus, to Joseph and Mary.  This week we are studying the arrival of Jesus, the birth of God’s Son.  Since Christmas is about the birth of Jesus that is where our focus will be in this study.  We are still reading from the Book of Luke; a continuation of last week, but beginning in chapter two of Luke.

Most of us who know the Christmas story know that Joseph and Mary had to travel to Bethlehem, the City of David, because of the law decreeing they do so to pay taxes.  As it happens, the timing of this taxation and the birth of Jesus coincided, which I’m sure was in God’s timing.  The problem was that when Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem, it was so busy they could not find any place to sleep; there was no room in the inn, (today’s translation: all the hotel rooms were taken).  It was important to find a place quickly because Mary was about to give birth; the Son of God was arriving.   The long-awaited fulfillment of many Scriptures concerning the coming the Messiah were being fulfilled.

Think about it, even today, every family, whether deemed royalty or not, go about telling everyone of a birth in their family.  It’s published in newspapers, cards are sent out, posts are made on social media, and texts are sent, to announce the arrival of a baby to the family.  I’ve done this twice in less than two years; a grandson born and then a great-granddaughter born.  God was no different; He used the best media; His angels, and a star! The angels proclaimed Jesus’s birth to the shepherds in the field while they were watching their sheep.  They were so excited with wonderment about the newborn King that they came to see him without gifts, only their heart!  That sometimes happens today too; we rush to see the newborn with our hearts so filled with love, and bring gifts later…hah!  The Star, however had been leading the wise men from a long distance away to see this baby; their hearts also filled with joy to see this new King, but they remembered to bring gifts with them.

When Jesus arrived, He was born in a stable; probably not the cleanest place for a newborn!  Jesus’ arrival went unnoticed by most people of the day because they were too busy with their lives to notice this wonderful “season” of this most wonderful baby’s arrival.  Today is not so much different; people are so busy buying gifts for family and friends and going to parties during this Season of celebration of Jesus’ birthday that they sometimes forget the real Reason for the Season.  See the similitude.

We must continue to guard our hearts to keep Jesus at the center of our lives.  He wants to be involved in every aspect all the time, not just when we celebrate His birthday.  It is when we are continually mindful of Him throughout each day, that we actually experience His peace towards us that the angels spoke of to the shepherds.  When we are mindful of Jesus in our lives, we experience the blessings of God.

Think about it; when you and I – or anyone – accepts Jesus as Savior – we become a member of God’s family; we become royalty!  And what better royalty is there; none, I say, none.  God gives us heavenly blessings.  And all of heaven rejoices over our coming into the family of God.  This is the greatest of all arrivals – Jesus in our hearts as Savior and Lord.  Have you asked Him in Yet?

Next week: The Gifts and Acceptance.

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