Balance In Your Life


August 3, 2020 by maryruwe

OIPI’ve been thinking a lot lately about moderation and balance; probably because I’m trying very hard to be moderate and balanced in the portions and quality of food I eat. Our bodies need variety of nutrients to be healthy.  In other words, we need balance in our lives.  Anyone else out there doing the same? Being moderate means avoiding extremes; in other words, to be balanced. But this doesn’t just apply to our food intake, it applies to our financial budget and spending habits, and a dozen other areas of our life, including prayer, reading and believing the Bible.

Just like we can’t eat just one type of a food category and be physically healthy, we can’t just feed on one type –or topic– of the Bible and be spiritually healthy.  We need all of the Word of God to keep us balanced and stable.  We need to know Scriptures about Salvation, the Holy Spirit, prayer, healing, prosperity, fellowship, right and wrong thinking, and the power of our words, to mention a few.  As I was thinking how this, I had a few interesting thoughts.

One definition of balance means to influence and counteracting the effect of another. When we are balanced in our knowledge and application of the Word of God, by our faith we counter the effect of the attacks of the enemy in our lives. Being balanced in the knowledge of God’s Word builds our faith for believing His Word, and it is essential to living a healthy spiritual life; which in turn carries over to our natural life as well.  Being balanced in our faith and trust in God brings and keeps stability in our life.

Psalm 119:11 instructs us to hide God’s Word in our heart so we might not sin against Him.

Luke 6:45 teaches that out of the abundance of the heart our mouth speaks. So, when we fill our heart and mind with His Word, our words come in agreement with His Word and bring His blessings to us. Our words either qualify us or disqualify us from receiving the promises and blessings of God. (Matthew 12:37) Life and death are in the power of the tongue. (Proverbs 18:21) To live a balanced life we must be speaking in agreement with God’s Word.

Balance also means to bring into harmony which depicts agreement.  When people are in agreement, in one accord, they can accomplish things more efficiently and quickly.  Same in true in the Body of Christ.

I challenge you to check yourself in regard to your priorities.  Are you balanced or are you doing a balancing “act” and about to topple under your unrestraint-life-style?  God has a plan to help us maintain balance in our lives. To me, its submission and obedience to His Word.










2 thoughts on “Balance In Your Life

  1. Alyx Page says:

    “When we are balanced in our knowledge and application of the Word of God, by our faith we counter the effect of the attacks of the enemy in our lives.”

    I loved this devotional. This was such a good reminder for me during this season. If I’m just focusing on strengthening myself in one area all the time, I’m not going to be appropriately equipped to stand against the enemy in those other areas I’m neglecting.

    Thank you for sharing. I don’t always take the time to leave a comment, but know that your devotionals are always so motivating and encouraging to my week!

    Love you, Mary!

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