Trust In God


January 25, 2021 by maryruwe

Trust God.  It’s a choice.  God has given us the right to choose whether to trust Him or not to trust Him.  Regardless of the circumstances around us, the choice still remains our responsibility.  It’s easy to trust God when everything is going smoothly and maybe not so easy when life hits some rough spots. But the truth still remains; we have a choice to trust Him or to become anxious and worrisome. Here are a few scriptures that help me in time of trials, testing, and adversity.

Jesus tells us in John 14:1, “Let not your heart be trouble; you believe in God, believe also in Me”. This is a commandment from God for us to NOT let our heart become troubled; again, this is a choice.

Then Paul instructs us in Philippians 4:6 how to do guard our hearts, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made know to God”. This explains to us how we can keep our heart from being troubled or anxious: it’s by praying and being thankful.  My friend, there is always something to be thankful for; no matter what the circumstance may be, look for it.

We are also told in Romans 8:28, that God can work out all things for good to those who love (trust) in Him. Choose to believe that God can bring good to you, regarding of the circumstances.

In my own life I’ve noticed that when the Bible reading and prayer time gets slim then the temptation to let my heart become troubled and worrisome are right close behind.  Prayer and Bible reading/study go hand in hand, and when one is let go the other soon followings. Don’t let that happen.  We are living in the end times when we need our faith to be working at all times. The only way we can keep our faith and trust in God is to be conscious of His Word at all times.  Think and talk His Word.  Read your Bible and be prayerful at all times. Don’t neglect your fellowship with the Father and Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit. Don’t let your feelings determine what you do, say, or decided. Be determined to stay close to God and His Word by prayer and meditation in His Word.

We began this study talking about trusting God in all things.  Let’s be sure we understand that there can be no trust in God without faith in God; and there can be no faith in God without His Word. (Romans 10:17) Jesus instructs us in Mark 11:22 to, “have faith in God”.

It’s all about choices. Choose to study the Bible and pray. Choose to trust God.


One thought on “Trust In God

  1. Lisa G says:

    Amen! He is so trustworthy!!

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