Prayer Notes


October 4, 2021 by maryruwe

OIPDuring my prayer times recently, I’ve really been giving thought on how to help people with their prayer life. This teaching is just some short thoughts and truths that help me and hope they help you too. There are many books that have been written on prayer; how to pray; different forms and types of prayer, but today, I’m just focusing on how we as individuals should approach our prayer time in the presence of God.

It’s time for believers to get serious about praying; and praying God’s Word into and over issues facing our individual lives as well as those imminent in and hanging threateningly over our Nation. We must learn the difference between our opinions and selfishness desires and His truths and plans for us. It’s time to realize and believe that when we pray the truths of God’s Word over a situation, His Word will not return void or fail, but will accomplish what it’s sent forth to do. (Isaiah 55:11) Our part is to pray and not grow weary in praying, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. (Galatians 6:9) God’s part is to answer prayers in His timing.

We must guard against the idea that strong, persistent, consistent, faithful prayer belongs only to those with the “titles” of pastors, evangelist, and missionaries. Prayer is a commandment for all believers. It is not the “title” of those praying that get answers to prayer but those who believe. It’s the anointing of the prayers that stem from being in God’s presence and praying the Word of God that brings the power of God into every situation. When we spend time in His presence, His anointing overflows in us and then spills out from us into the lives of those around us.

As my heart dwelt on the whole aspect of praying, these thoughts came to me about pray.

P: Praise, Prepare, Purpose:

We should enter our prayer time with praise; praising God for who He is and thank Him for all that He’s done in our life. We should prepare to spend enough time, quality time, to actually fellowship with our Father, with a purpose to listen for His voice as He talks with us.

R:  Reprove, Repent, Receive:

As we sit in God’s presence, learn to listen for any reproofs He may want to share with us because there probably are things that He wants to change in our lives. It may not be a sin but a weight He wants us to lay down or an attitude adjustment we need to make. We need to repent of anything that is displeasing to Him, receive His forgiveness; and continue on in faith and confidence in our relationship with our Lord.

A:  Agree, Apply, Ascertain:

We need to agree with what and who God says we are: we are His child and joint-heirs with Jesus. Applying His Word is simply putting into practice what we believe, and that includes speaking His Word over and into our lives. To ascertain something means to learn with certainty. Believers should certainly learn to be fixed and settled on the indisputable, undeniable truth of God’s Word.  This means that we are to keep our eyes and heart focused on the Word. (Proverbs 4:1,20; 5:1)

Y:  Yearn, Yield, Yes:

To yearn means to have a longing or craving (desire) for something. We should desire to abide in the Word of God; desire to be in His presence; and desire to walk according to His Word. When we yearn for God’s best, the next step is to yield to His Will. Yielding means we surrender our will, life, attitudes, words, and desires to God’s plan for us. Our yielding to His Will comes with our “yes” to answer His call for our life. The “yes” in our heart must be followed by living our lives to bring glory to Him.

Now, some may think that this is just a simply teaching, but I assure you that if you put into practice these guidelines your prayer time will be more fulfilling and will result in receiving answered prayers and the direction and guidance you may need for the plans God has for you.

3 thoughts on “Prayer Notes

  1. Lisa G says:

    This was really good, Mary! Thank you! 😊

  2. Carol Williams says:

    That’s good and I will be keeping this message on prayer for a while. Thanks Mary. Have a good week

    Sent from my iPhone


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