Make Every Day A Diet Day

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June 14, 2022 by maryruwe

When the word diet is mentioned, most people think about the portion size of the food items and the number of calories being ingesting. Obviously, this is a good thing to do because most of us eat way too many calories. We skip the quality for quantity. We treat eating like we’re on a race track because of our busy schedules and therefore not usually aware of how much we are eating. This all needs to change in order to monitor our physical health and keep it in balance. We also need a balance to our spiritual health as well. We need both physical food and spiritual food; the physical food for our bodies to be strong and healthy; and spiritual food for our spirit to be strong and healthy too.

This lesson is about taking some of ground rules many use for physical eating and apply them to our spiritual eating. We need food every day and most of us eat three meals a day plus a couple of snacks. It would benefit us to transfer this habit to our spiritual eating. Think about how much you would grow in the knowledge of God IF you read the Bible and prayed each day as often as you fed your body.

Science has done wonders in its research to come up with the number of calories and carbs a person should eat each day for good health, relating it to our height and age etc. Well, God has done wonders in His creation too. He knows exactly how many times a day we need to be reading His Word and praying. He knows what it takes for us to be healthy – both physically and spiritually.  So let’s look at four daily “diet” habits and Scriptures that will strengthen our spirit.

D – determine daily to stay the course in your faith walk by spending time reading the Bible, praying, and fellowshipping with God and Jesus. If need be, set up an appointment time on your calendar for a few minutes throughout the day to commune with God. It’s our responsibility each day to choose the Lord and to serve Him. (Joshua 24:15) No one can serve two masters at the same time; we must continually choose to serve God. (Matthew 6:24)

I – increase your knowledge of God, His Word, His principles and His promises. We see in Ezra 7:10, that Ezra devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord. Second Timothy 2:15 encourages us to study to show ourselves approved unto God so we can right divide the word of truth. According to Joshua 1:8, if we keep the book (Bible) before us night and day, we make our way prosperous.

E- endeavor to seek and walk in submission to God’s Word. Pursue obedience to His Word. Be consistent and persistent to reach your full potential that God has placed within you. Again this comes back to the choices we make each day. We are to walk in love and kindness towards others, forgiving those who hurt us, and encourage each other to not grow weary in well doing. (Galatians 6:9)

T – trust God in His love for you and His faithfulness to His Word, to bring you into full completion of His plan for your life as you continue to walk with Him. Proverbs 3:5 instructs us to trust in the Lord with all our heart; and lean not unto our own understanding. This means we don’t have to figure everything out before we believe His Word and trust Him. We can believe and trust God to work things out for our good without knowing how He is going to do it. (Romans 8:38) Trusting God means we realize we can pray and make our requests to Him and not worry or be anxious because He cares for us. And because He loves and cares for us, He gives us His peace. (Philippians 4:5-7)

Jesus took time throughout each day to be alone with His Father. Therefore, I submit to you that we too need to spend time throughout our day with our Heavenly Father. Every day God gives us the gift of that day; we in turn should give him part of that day. I hope this little “diet” theme will help you to be determined to increase and endeavor to trust God as you to set in motion the habit of spending time with God each day, throughout the day.









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