What’s Your Integrity

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August 21, 2023 by maryruwe

The word integrity has been going through my mind lately so I thought I’d write about it this week. Integrity is described as the quality of being honest, having strong moral principles; moral uprightness, fairness, responsibility, courage, and accountability. In other words, doing what is right. Let’s see what the Bible says about integrity.

Proverbs 10:9 states, “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.” (NIV) The Amplified Bible says that not only will the crooked person be discovered but will be punished.

The King James puts it this way: He that walks uprightly walks surely, but he that perverts his ways shall be known. Notice that it is the person themself that make the choice.

In the Bible, surely means with doubt. To walk uprightly is the opposite of crookedness and perversion. Crookedness and perversion have to do with being dishonest and corrupt, as in turning away from what is right or good. Some Bible used the word securely, which indicates safety and without fear. Though living securely can mean free from danger and being safe; it also carries the idea of peace of mind. When we live before God rightly, our mind is free from agitation and tension, and is more tranquil and peaceful.

A further study of the word integrity reveals that it also has to do with taking responsibility for our actions. Romans 14:12 teaches that “each shall give account of himself to God.” That means no one is exempt, and that excuses will not stand the test of time, or of God’s scrutiny. To put it another way; a person of integrity will not make excuses for bad behavior. In fact, when a Christian of integrity does or says something wrong, they will immediately become convicted of the sin and repent before God and receive His forgiveness and cleansing. (1 John 1:9)

So, I ask you, what kind of integrity do you have? Is it based on your relationship with God as your Father and Jesus as your Savior? Do you put more trust in yourself than you do in God’s Word? It’s good to have a good image of yourself, but that image should be based on who you are in Christ, not on your own high thoughts of yourself. Psalm 139:23 gives us a good instruction on how to keep our “self-thoughts” balanced because it encourages us to “ask God to search our heart to see if there is any wicked way in it.” When we keep God’s Word before us, it will be less likely that we will fall prey to doubt and wickedness. Deuteronomy 6:18 tells us to do what is right and good in the sight of the Lord so that it may be well with us. Joshua 1:8 says that when we keep our eyes on the Word of God and do what is written therein, we make our way prosperous and will have good success.

Let’s be diligent to keep God’s Word before us so we can walk pleasing unto Him, bring glory to Him and be the example for others to follow.





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