Your Recipe

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May 19, 2014 by maryruwe

             RECIPES:  FOR FOOD; FOR LIFE.    While I was having dinner with my friend Margie a few weeks ago, she gave me a recipe for Italian Cabbage.  I had not heard of it before but it sounded good.   I made the casserole for my husband and I a day or two later and it was indeed very good.  Then I did like most of us do when we get a recipe, I began to think how to change it for personal tastes.

Now I have it made again to share with the family.   This time with some “revisions”.  I cut the cabbage up a little finer, and used a bit more of ground beef (knowing how my son and son-in-law love meat). I also made a smaller dish of the recipe with chicken, rather than ground beef and sausage.  I think both turned out very good, even though I’m not so sure the rest of the family would give me an “A” on my revision of  the meal!  One must always realize the taste of food is a matter of preference and not a matter of right or wrong.  I will add the recipe at the end of my blog in case you would like to try it yourself.

However, there were a few things that came to mind while I was making this last dinner that I’d like to share with you.   Now remember I began with the “master” recipe from the owner, my friend.  Then I changed a bit of the ingredients for the way I used them to get the results for our individual tastes.

I began to think how God is the Owner of His creation.  We are His prize creation and He has a Master Plan for each of us.  Then He places some changes in each of us for individual personalities, talents, abilities, and appearances that please Him.  God is not boring when it comes to creativity.

The difference between a recipe for food and the recipe or plan for our lives is that a recipe in and of itself doesn’t make any decisions. It is how it is until someone make decisions to change it.  However God has given us the right to make choices, according to His Word or aside from His Word.  His Master Plan of course is that we would make decisions according to His Word.  Living according to the Word of God is the “recipe” to receiving His Blessings.

We are what we are because of the decisions we make.  Decisions will change our lives, sometimes quickly, sometimes not so quick; but be assured there are consequences for each decision you and I make.  Think ahead, way the cost, cover each decision with prayer asking God for His wisdom and His Will.   Base your decisions on the will of God and the Word of God to walk in the His Blessings of God.

Deuteronomy 28:1-14 – Promised blessings for obedience


*********** ITALIAN CABBAGE ************

1 lb of ground beef,  1 lb spicy sausage, 1 medium onion, chopped, 1 medium cabbage, chopped, 1-16oz can Italian Stewed tomatoes, 1 large can tomato juice.

Brown ground beef, drain, set aside.  Brown sausage and onion, DO NOT DRAIN.  Add ground cooked beef, cabbage, stewed tomatoes with juice, to sausage and onions.  Mix well.  Add about 1/2 of the tomato juice, more or lest to thickness you desire.

Place mixture in a 9×13 pan.  Bake covered at 400 degrees for 50 minutes until cabbage is done.  Uncover and bake another 10 minutes.  Can add more tomato juice if you want it more soupy.   Serve over cornbread.

NOTE:  I used the crock pot the last time instead of the oven.



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