Here I Am, Lord


September 7, 2015 by maryruwe

pulling-hair-6419636This is testimony time about last week. It began on Thursday with shopping for carpet for our home, which they said would be here in about three weeks. Sounded like a good time frame with our schedule. Then we had a meeting on Friday night, Saturday morning and evening. Sunday was somewhat normal with attending church and lunch with our children. Then Monday morning my husband received a call that the carpet was in; and he scheduled the installation for the following Saturday (day before yesterday)! A holiday weekend! I could hardly believe it. I was thinking that three-week time frame would give us plenty of time to move the furniture from three rooms and pull up the old carpet and pad. Mercy!

Then, as scheduled, my nephew arrived Monday afternoon to visit for a few days. Hadn’t seen him in a while and was really looking forward to his visit. Thank God for family! By Thursday we had it all ready except for a few last-minute items to move. He was here just the right time to help us. Of course, he teased us all week about “inviting him to come and then making him work for his ‘hotel room’”. Hah! (Don’t think I told him, but I think God planned that visit!). The short of the long episode is that we actually got the carpet and pad pulled up and the furniture moved into other rooms and still had time for some good visiting time. He left Thursday late afternoon, saying we needed time to rest before Saturday. The carpet and pad were installed on Saturday as scheduled, and our children came back to help put our house back in order. God is good.

Though it is a good thing to get new carpet, it was a tiring week!   I’m still recovering and my house is not completely back in order yet because we are doing some deep cleaning and purging of things. Then yesterday (Sunday) we discovered our mailbox was completely demolished and then the computer decided to do some weird things. The mailbox was hit by accident by a neighbor who has agreed to replace it. We asked a friend to come over to help “restore” our computer to working order; which is why this blog is a little late; I couldn’t find my documents! Hah! And tomorrow my new adventure begins with registering to attend Rhema Bible Training College. God is good.

Now I realize this past week is nothing compared to what some of you might be going through, or even some times I’ve gone through. But even planned events can be a little stressful. About the time you think you have things spaced out over three weeks only to find them all in the same week; it can be stressful and tiring. God is with us in these minor times of life as well as the major times of events. You know those times; the times you are before God all the time seeking His face for direction and answers for situations and circumstances that are troubling and difficult.  During those times we find ourselves coming to God – multiple times saying, “here I am Lord, help me; here I am Lord, help me”. I’m sure you could think of one or two incidences in your life without thinking real hard; they still stand out very vivid in your memory. We all have them and give testimony of His faithfulness to us.

Think about it. God himself said in 2 Timothy 1:7, that He has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, and power and a sound mind. Philippians 4:13 also tells us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. In Matthew 16:19 we are told that He has given us the keys of the kingdom of heaven. We are to open and close doors to situations with the authority He has given us.  Many Bible translations put it as “binding and loosing”.  Jesus is the Master key that opens all of heaven’s promises to us. Jesus is the master-key that makes all the other keys work.

He is the key to eternal salvation. (Luke 2:11; John 3:16; John 14:6) He was born a Savior, died to redeem us from sin, rose again to give us victory. He is the only way, truth and life; no one comes to the Father except through him.

His love is shed abroad in our hearts or poured into us. (Romans 5:5; Ephesians 5:5) We can walk in love because Christ loves us.

He is our healer. (Psalm 107:20; 1 Peter 2:24) God sent His Word to heal and deliver us. He bore our sins in His own body that we being dead to sin should live unto righteousness; by whose stripes we are healed.

He is our peace.  (Isaiah 26:3; Philippians 4:7)  When we keep our focus on Him, He gives us perfect peace and, He guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

During one of those difficult times years ago I heard myself praying:

Here I am Lord, a child of yours, ready for this day, to be what you need me to be. Therefore Father God, give me your love, wisdom, and strength that I need in my spirit, emotions and body to be a good witness to others today. Thank you Lord for always being with me and always helping me to do all you call me to do and to be who you want me to be in Jesus, Amen.”

I pray that this has encouraged you to not grow weary in serving and living for our Lord. He has good plans for you; don’t give up; keep your eyes on His Word and be bold to come to Him and say, “here I am Lord, help me”. He is faithful to His Word and wants to help and bless you.  Have a great week.

2 thoughts on “Here I Am, Lord

  1. Lisa G says:

    So glad it all worked out! *makes note to self not to visit Mary if any projects are in the works 😉

    Thanks for sharing, and you have a great week also! Love you! 🙂

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