To Be Like Jesus


September 14, 2015 by maryruwe

When I was young I always loved going to church and listen to all the Bible stories. (And still do today, by the way).  It seems to me that even then my heart’s desire was to be pleasing to Jesus, even though I didn’t really know how to do that or think it was really possible for me.  It seemed to me that others were accomplishing it in their lives but I was always struggling and falling short of reaching the goal.  Then, as I began to know more about my Father God, I learned that my righteousness could never attain that goal of being like Him.  It is all about Jesus’ righteousness made available to us so we can be like Him.  We can walk in love, be kind, forgive others and receive forgiveness for ourselves. Oh, to be like Jesus; to be holy as He is holy; that was my cry and prayer then, and still is my prayer today. It is possible you know. If it weren’t then God would not have told us to do and be so. (Leviticus 11:44)  It is all about Jesus in us.

Endeavoring to be like Him is not always as easy as it may sound. It is not always easy to be kind to those who have hurt us; or to be happy for the person who got the promotion you thought you should have. It isn’t always easy to step out of our comfort zone to speak to someone and encourage them, when we ourselves need encouragement too. Sometimes it’s very hard to stay positive and keep our faith intact when our lives are seemingly falling apart and circumstances are out of control. But IT is possible.  If we fall short and fail in some area then we are to access His forgiveness by confessing our sin and trusting that He is faithful to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  (1 John 1:9)  We are to hold fast to our confession of our hope and faith, without wavering, for God is faithful to His promises, (Hebrews 10:23)

It is possible to not worry and keep our trust in God. John 14:1 instructs us to not let our heart be troubled but believe and trust God. This is our decision to worry or to not worry. Philippians 4:6 also tells us to be careful for nothing (meaning don’t worry), but by our prayers and thanksgiving let our requests be made known to God. Father God gives us the right to choose; and the power to cast all our care onto Him.  (1 Peter 5:7)

First John 4:4 tells us that “greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world”. Psalm 119:11 shows us how we can have the power of God in our lives: we are to hide His Word in our heart so we might not sin. It is the Power of God in us through Jesus that gives us the victory over our adversary the devil. We can resist the devil and temptation when we stay steadfast and faithful to God.

Philippians 4:13 reminds us that we can do all things in Christ; He is our strength. He has given us the power in His Name. (Luke 9:1)

Leviticus 11:44 For I am the Lord your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy.  We sanctify ourselves by submitting to God’s Word and obeying Him in every area of our lives.

So this week let us seek God and ask Him to search our hearts and show us anything that is displeasing to Him. Let us quick to repent of any sin or disobedience, and be quick to submit to His Will and Way. This is the way to good success – meditating on His Word and observe to do all according to what is written in His Word.  (Joshua 1:8)

 Have a wonderful week.

4 thoughts on “To Be Like Jesus

  1. Lisa G says:

    Oh this was such a great timely reminder this morning, Mary! Thank you for posting it! i’ve been praying specifically for increase in my faith and I know that it’s related to my time in the word. Romans 10:17 Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God!

  2. karlajetat says:

    Good confessions for a Monday morning. Thank you, Mary.

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