Prayer Time Thoughts

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March 5, 2018 by maryruwe

thDuring my prayer time this past Saturday I wrote down this little message and thought I would share it with you.  I don’t have the space to write everything I had been praying but it had a lot to do with praying for all those affected by the violent activity across our nation and how we react and respond to such news.

To make it short, I was searching my heart and asking myself some questions about how I respond and react and realized that everyone needs to re-evaluate their thinking – so I’m sharing it with you from my heart.

Here is the question I heard in my spirit as I thought about such topics: do I have love and compassion toward all in these situations or do I allow myself to be filled judgment and even perhaps hatred?  Though we may hate what has happened, we need to guard ourselves from hating people.  We have a responsibility as Christians to pray the Word of God regarding every circumstance and situation; and to pray with the heart like God.

Anyway here is part of what I wrote in my journal and thought hopefully you will enjoy reading “my heart” and perhaps be encouraged to apply correction in your heart where needed if necessary.

O God, where is my heart of love when I see hearts filled with hatred?

Where is my heart of mercy when I see hearts filled with judgment?

Where is my heart of compassion when I see hearts filled with contempt?

 Where is my heart of strength when I see hearts filled weakness and apathy?

Where is my heart of endurance when I see hearts filled with weariness?

 O God, only in you do I find love, mercy, compassion, strength, and endurance to pray according to Your Word.   It’s only in You O Lord.

O God let your righteousness reign in my heart that I may have love instead of hatred; mercy in judgment; compassion over contempt; and strength over weakness, laziness, and apathy; and endurance to finish the plan and purpose You have for my life.

Now keep in mind that hatred is the absence of love; a critical judgment is the lack of mercy; contempt is the despising of authority; weakness and weariness is the lack of joy and patience.  The Bible tells us that we are to overcome evil with good and since God is good, then it stands to reason that we must know Him and His Word to be able to do this.  Romans 12:2

Love is more than just a warm fuzzy feeling, it’s unconditional in how we treat and respect others.  It’s based on God’s Word to walk in love, light and understanding of God’s Word, and wisdom in knowing how to live by His Word.  Ephesians 5

Mercy is more than overlooking the wrong of a person or condoning the sin; it’s extending the forgiveness and deliverance to them from the Word of God – the Gospel of Jesus!   John 3:16-17; John 14:6

Compassion is more than just feeling sorry that another is going through a rough time, it has action to help them.  We visit them, giving food and supplies when necessary, and teach the Good News of the Word of God.  Matthew 25:31-46

Strength is more than being strong, physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, its courage to speak the truth to another with the love of God at the center of our heart.  It’s standing with them in prayer, and encouraging and teaching them how to apply the Word of God to their lives.  Weakness appears in many forms. It may show up as laziness or apathy, but in reality the person is so over-whelmed they have trouble dealing with the situation.  It may manifest as indifferent, or have a lack of interest.  It is during these times that we need the strength of one another to stay in faith.  Isaiah 40:29; Philippians 4:13

Endurance is more than just suffering through a situation; it’s actively pursuing the best solution to the problem found in the presence of God. It’s NOT allowing ourselves to grow weary, not giving up or quitting, but being steadfast in the faith until the answer comes.  Galatians 6:9; 2 Thessalonians 3:13

This week let’s spend time in the presence of God searching our heart to see if there is any sin in it.  Let’s make corrections where needed and rejoice that God can use us to make a difference in our world when we walk in love, compassion, integrity, bringing hope, Salvation and healing to others.





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