Come Out Of The Desert


June 10, 2019 by maryruwe


Deserts are dry areas that received very little precipitation; often referred to as empty because of little or no water and vegetation.  Without water, there can be no growth. Sometimes our spiritual life gets that way too.  You know that feeling of dryness and lack of spiritual growth in the knowledge of the Scriptures from the lack of fellowship with our Lord.  Everyone has to guard their heart against such things.

I did some reading about deserts and found out that there are four major types of deserts: hot and dry; semiarid, coastal, and cold. This reminded me of the different conditions of our heart from the Parable of the Soils in Matthew 13: wayside, stony places, thorns, and good ground.

The dry desert reminds me of a person who is saved, maybe attends church some, but not serving God. Just as there is not growth or vegetation in the dry desserts, there can’t be any spiritual growth or fruit of their beliefs in their lives. The hot desert reminds me of a person on fire for God, loving God with all their heart, soul, and mind; serving in God’s Kingdom, and living their life to please God.

The semiarid desert could be a Christian who is on-and-off in their relationship with Jesus. This happens when we walk and live by our feelings instead of faith.  Their relationship with God is based on the circumstances and situations in their life – rather than what the Bible says.

The coastal dessert reminds me of a Christian who lives close to the edge of the way the world lives.  They are always trying to see how much they can be a part of the world and still have a relationship with God.

The cold desert is of course – cold! It reminds me of a cold-hearted person, not much compassion for others, perhaps indifferent to what others are going through.  They certainly have no zeal for our Lord, or perhaps don’t know Him at all.

Do you see yourself in any of those descriptions?  I think I’ve been in each one, at least to a small degree at some point during my life. Some of those areas are not necessarily something to brag about; we should concentrate on being on fire for God and living for Him.  It is necessary to judge ourselves and learn how to live submissively to the Word of God.  However, don’t think you’re alone in these experiences because I found a few examples of God’s people in the Bible.

Moses hid in the back-side of the desert from his past, running from the call of God on his life. Then made excuses to try to get out of his calling because of not having eloquent speech!  (Genesis 3:1 – 4:10)   Do you have trouble talking with people easily, and use it as an excuse to not share Jesus with them, or even to give your testimony?  Kind of fits in the same category, don’t you think?

The Israelite wondered in the desert for forty years because they refused to believe and obey God’s Word. (Joshua 5:6)  Are you struggling to obey what God has told you to do because you think you don’t know enough about the Bible to teach a class, pray for someone, or witness the love of God to one who needs Him?  The same thing, I think.

How about Gideon who was living in the “desert of no confidence” in himself to hear correctly God’s calling. He put out a fleece to God to be sure he was hearing the Lord correctly in what he was asked to do.  (Judges 6-7) Though it’s nice to receive a word of confirmation a person brings us from God, we need to realize that God wants us to listen for and be led by His Voice. Let’s face it, people can make mistakes in what they say but God never does.

Then there was Thomas who lived in a desert of doubt, saying he would not believe that Jesus had risen from the dead unless he could see the nail prints in Jesus’ hand.  (John 20: 19-29) If we catch ourselves wanting to see signs and wonders before we believe and obey God, we have put our faith in those things and not the Word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Then, of course, we have the example of Jesus to follow, who always did as the Father asked.  This is where we need to be and stay, obeying the will of God.

Sometimes people use their past as an excuse to not following Jesus, wandering around in the desert of rebellion and unbelief that God could even use them in his Kingdom.  Some lack such confidence to be able to do what God has called them to do that they don’t even try; they are like the servant who hid his talent and was cast into outer darkness.  (Matthew 25:14-30)  I don’t think I want to be like him, do you?

Some people are caught in a desert of unforgiveness, bitterness, jealousy, anger, apathy, pride, unbelief, and, the list goes on and on. We need to understand that any one of these areas can steal our joy and our physical, emotional, and spiritual strength; hinder our faith, and even steal our love for God.

We need the oasis of God’s Word to strengthen and heal us. We need the Word of God for our faith will be strong and victorious against the attacks of the enemy who wants to steal, kill and destroy us. (John 10:10) It is up to each of us to make the decision to come out of our desert of – whatever it is – that keeps us from following God.  Second Timothy 1:6 instructs us to stir up the gift of God in us. God gives us gifts but it’s up to us to use them for Him.

Oh Lord, bring us out of the desert of life’s elements and fill us with Your Holy Spirit, quenching our thirst and refreshing our soul.  God has a purpose for each of our lives but it is up to us to live out that plan.















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