Prudent Or Simple: Your Choice

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August 19, 2019 by maryruwe

downloadEvery day we make many choices.  Sometimes we make good choices and sometimes not so good.  Some decisions are major and some are minor.  Some can be made quickly and others we need time to think and pray through, but in every case, each is important in its own way in our lives.  Proverbs 22:3 gives us some insight to help us understand the importance of correct choices.

Proverbs 22:3 – The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.

This seems pretty self-explanatory, but let’s dig deeper and go beyond a quick first glance at it.  A prudent person is foresighted, sensible, discreet, cautious, clever, and discerning.  By a contrast, a simple person does not think ahead, lacks good sense, lacks good judgment, is not careful, lacks skill and resourcefulness, doesn’t understand things clearly or easily.  Our choice between these two determine what kind of life we have.  According to this Scripture the results differ drastically.

A prudent, or wise person, will see danger and hide himself from it, meaning to avoid the danger and or prepare for it.  Much like seeing a thunderstorm coming and check and close all the windows in the car and home.

On the other hand, the not-so-wise person just doesn’t take notice of the weather warnings and then suffers for it.  They may see the same thunderstorm approaching and not check the windows or close them; maybe thinking the windows are not open that far and it won’t rain inside the car or home.  They both see the danger; the prudent takes action to secure a good outcome; the simple suffers and has to deal with the soggy seat in the car or the carpet in the home.

Noah was a wise person; in that He listened to God and built the Ark that saved he and his family.  (Hebrew 11:7)

Rehab saw the danger coming to Jericho and by faith helped the Hebrew spies to escape; thereby securing safety for herself and her family. (Hebrew 11:30-31)

Five on the ten virgins were wise enough to take more oil for their lamps, the other five did not have the foresight to prepare ahead. (Matthew 25:1-13)

The point I want to make is that if we think we are not wise; then DO something to get wise.  Study and learn.  If you want to eat good meals, get a good cookbook and learn how to cook.  If you want to get out of debt, study how to make and live on a budget suited to your financial income.  If you want to learn how to pray effectively, have strong faith, and make wise decisions according to the Word of God, study the Bible.   It’s that simple.

My prayer for us this week is that we be wise and ask the Lord for help to make correct and right decisions each and every day.  James 1:5 teaches that if we lack wisdom, we are to ask God for help, who gives to everyone generously and without rebuke or blame.  God does not chastise us for asking for help, He blesses us with good help.

Remember, our future is based on how we make decisions today.











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