True Evidence

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October 21, 2019 by maryruwe

evidence-concept-clip-art_csp12824724I remember when what we heard on the news could be taken as the truth. Nowadays, I’m not so sure. Well, I don’t want to be or get political but I just want to use that illustration as an example of how we can be persuaded in our beliefs. It’s a proven fact that the more we hear something influences our beliefs, whether its false or truth. This is why is it so important to base our beliefs on a never-changing truth; the Bible.

Let’s look at it another way. Have you ever had thoughts about a situation or maybe even another person that later you found out were not true? Sure, you have. How about thoughts about yourself? That you are not smart enough to do something, or smart enough to go to college or get a better job. What about thoughts that you are not pretty or handsome. How about thoughts that no one likes you, or that the two or three people across the room are talking negatively about you. Sure, you have; I know I’ve had those same thoughts at some point in my own life. No one is exempt from having negative thoughts. The important thing is how we are handling them. We need to deal with them by searching for the true evidence.

Evidence is an outward sign or proof of a matter based on available facts. This includes our natural physical lives and our spiritual lives. We are a spirit; we have a soul (includes our mind and emotions) and we live in a natural physical body. We can see our body, feel our emotions and have the ability to think, but the real us is a spirit. God is spirit and we are made in His image.

Think about this; in a natural court of law, natural evidence is produced as facts to determine whether a person is guilty or not guilty of whatever they are accused of. In the same way, in the heavenly court of law, spiritual evidence is produced as facts to determine whether a person is guilty of sin, or forgiven of sin and set free from the power of sin. Jesus is the true evidence that provides and determines the fact that a believer is a child of God. In the eyes of the Bible, a person is either a sinner or saint (an unbeliever or a believer). The truth of what we actually are is based on the truth of the Holy Bible.

We must understand that natural truths are subject to change but the Word of God never changes. (Malachi 3:6)   All we have to do is look at the medical and science world to know that what they once thought was truth was subject to change as their knowledge increased. But God never changes, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

In Him (Jesus), because He changes not, is where the true evidence is for our faith. This true evidence is available to everyone, and it is in the choosing to believe His truth that our lives are changed forever, and we are changed from an unbeliever (sinner) to a believer (a child of God). The more we choose to believe His Word the more insight and understanding is revealed to us and the more of His truths are evident in our lives.  The truth of what we believe is seen in how we live our lives.

Our faith, in believing that Jesus took the stripes on His back is the evidence of and for our physical healing and good physical health. (Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24)

Our faith, in believing that the crown of thorns Jesus wore is the evidence of and for our good mental health and thoughts. We are to have the same mind (thinking) as Jesus. (Matthew 27:29, Mark 15:17, John 19:2, 1 Corinthians 2:16)

Our faith, in believing that Jesus died on the Cross for our sins is the evidence of and for our Salvation and being born again spiritually. (John 3:3, 16-18, Romans 5:8, 6:23, 10:9-10)

Our words and actions – the way we live – are evidence of what we believe. (Ephesians 4:1, Colossians 1:10, 1 Thessalonians 2:12)

Our faith is the essential or fundamental quality for the evidence of things we hope for. (Romans 4:17)

Challenge yourself to not look for worldly evidence of verification but look into the only one true evidence – the Bible, God’s Word, to learn who God is, what Jesus has done for us in His death and resurrection, and who the Bible says we are in Christ. Challenge yourself to live a life that shows the true evidence that you are a child of God, and Jesus is your Savior, healer, and deliverer.  













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