Faith and Ability

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October 28, 2019 by maryruwe

thWe read in Matthew 26:14-29 about the talents that were given to three people, five talents, two talents, and one talent. Then we read that the talents were given according to their ability. In times past, I always thought that meant a limitation was put on their ability, but that is not the case because God rewarded the two who increased the value of the talents they were given.

If there was any limitation, it was only true at that very moment in time they received the talents because we see where the first two increased their talents by working, investing, and improving themselves or their skills. Any limitation on them was only where they began, not on what they could do with those talents. Limitations don’t have to be our lifestyle. We can see from the Scripture reading that God expects us to increase our abilities, skills, talents, and knowledge.  We are all faced with certain limitations at any given time because of what we know or don’t know, but we are to prepare, study, and improve our skills, talents, and knowledge so we are equipped to be of good service in His Kingdom.  Where we begin, is just that, a beginning.

So, I submit to you that we should be on guard to make sure that we are not limiting ourselves by limiting God. If we are just looking at what we are, have, and can do right now, we are short-sighting our ability in Christ. God is bigger than our beginnings. We should be looking to God for wisdom to increase our abilities and to learn more. There is no limitation to what we can learn and do when we walk according to His Word. The more we learn about Him by reading the Bible, the more our faith increases and the more prepared we are for the work He has for us to do in His kingdom. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17). We live according to our faith. Great, small, weak, or strong, our ability to live by faith is a direct result of how much time we spend reading and believing the Word of God.

It was the one who did not have faith, but was fearful, who hid his talent, who didn’t get a good result. He failed because of fear. He failed because he didn’t even try to do better. So, the lesson to learn here is, how many times have we failed to obey God because of fear and because we didn’t even try to obey His calling. It doesn’t matter whether we think our talent is small or great; what matters is if we increase and use our talents to bring glory to God. Hiding our talents is not pleasing to God. Using our talents takes faith. To please God, we must live by faith. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that without faith it is impossible to please Him.

We must remember that fear is the opposite of faith. Whatever we fear, fear can bring to us. If we fear failure, then fear will bring failure to us by keeping us from living by faith. Faith brings success because it is the substance of the evidence in our heart that brings the power of God into our lives to do what He has called us to do. Faith brings to us the blessings of God when we believe God’s Word. The key to remember is that it’s up to us whether we believe Him for His blessings of increase. It’s according to our faith.  We use our faith to increase our abilities in learning and improving our skills and knowledge, and thereby increase our productivity in the Kingdom of God and bring glory to Him.

So, I ask you, are you living and serving God according to your limited abilities or according to faith in God to increase your abilities and to complete the work He has begun in you (Philippians 1:6). Remember, God expects us to grow and become more like Him. God is a God of faith. Have you increased your abilities lately? Are you living by faith to increase your abilities and talents? I challenge you to search your heart and ask God to show you what abilities and talents He wants to increase in you. Then run your race by improving your skills for His Kingdom.















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