Let History Be History


June 29, 2020 by maryruwe

imagesIn view of what has been happening in the past few weeks or months I decided to write my thoughts on how to view our history of the United States of America. We should be using history as a basis for improving our lives and not as an excuse to rant and rave and destroy each other.  So here we go.

History is history. It cannot be changed from what it was. However, the good can be improved upon and the bad can be repeated. It’s been said that people who forget their history tend to repeat it. If we forget the tragedies of history, we will not have a basis of what not to do.  We certainly don’t want to make the same mistakes again, so we should use history as a basis to better our lives.

Monuments do one of two things: they either remind us of the good that is represented or they remind us of the bad that is represented.  Both will do us justice if we view them properly.  Monuments, in and of themselves are not good or evil. They are historical reminders of what happened so we can learn how to keep the good and not repeat the bad.

Tearing down or destroying monuments will not erase the fact that the history associated with that monument happened. Monuments should be used as reminders of where we came from and came through, and should help give us wisdom for decisions for the present. If a particular monument offends you because you think that person or that event in history should not be honored, then use that monument as a representative of history that should not be repeated.

The Merriam-Webster’s Desk Dictionary defines a monument as: “a lasting reminder; a structure erected in remembrance of a person or event; a National Monument”.  Depending on what that person did or what that event represents determines whether it is a monument of honor or dishonor; something to be remembered proudly or shamefully.  In either case it should be viewed just for what it is: history. Trying to forget history will not remove history but quite possibly could open the door to repeating history. So, if you disagree with what you think a particular monument stands for, leave it alone so the wrong is not repeated again. If it represents something good in history, leave it alone and rejoice over the good example. Let history be history.

If you think that some monuments should be torn down and destroyed because of some evil representation that comes with it, then perhaps you should get rid of your money also because some money is used wrongly and represents wrong too.  Neither a monument or money in and of themselves are evil; it’s all about what they represent. To an evil person they represent an evil that can be done, but to a righteous person they represent a good that can be done.

Do we or should we agree with everything that has happened in history? Absolutely not! However, I believe that we need to let history be a teacher of what to repeat or what NOT to repeat.  I’m sure that we can agree that the past wrongs in history, and even the present-day wrongs need to be addressed. But let’s do it correctly, without destroying each other. We CANNOT ever change the wrongs done in history but we can change the present-day wrongs. History is history and we cannot go back and change it.  Quit trying!

If we want to change a history time-line, we must work on changing our timeline in history. We are only responsible for the history-time-line we live in.

If you think rioting, looting, and destroying property is the way to change history you are wrong because we’ve already established that we cannot change history; we can only change the present.  This rioting, looting, and destroying of property done now brings shame to our timeline in history. What we do and don’t do will be looked upon by future generations as something to be proud and thankful for, or to be ashamed of, so let’s re-think our plan of how to change the wrongs done now in our timeline of history.

Every life matters. But, as long as people only speak of black lives, white lives, brown lives, red lives, yellow lives, etc., then life is defined as a color and that will continue to cause division among us and we are doomed to repeat what some people are trying to erase from history.

I am not responsible for any history events that happened 100, 200, 300, or more years ago, or even some 50 years ago. I’m not responsible and therefore I don’t have to apologize for it or pay for it. And neither do you. Am I sorry that some of those events happened? Yes, of course. Some things should have never happened. Think about it; even the historical facts of the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden should have never happened! It was not God’s plan for Adam and Eve to sin. (Genesis 1-3) History helps to form ideas of what should not be, what should be and can be for everyone. Let history be history.

Monuments serve as memorials which are designed to serve to keep and preserve facts. (Merriam-Webster’s Desk Dictionary) The Bible also speak of memorials that Israel did to help them remember certain events in their history, such as in Joshua 4. Let’s remember the past for what it is – history – and remember that there was good and not so good; there was right and there was wrong. Let’s build on what we want for everyone – the right to live in peace, and the right to pursue liberty and justice for all.

See the following links for further study on the history of the United States of America.









4 thoughts on “Let History Be History

  1. steve allen says:


  2. were says:

    You nailed this!  Thank you.   So inspired and thankful for people like you who can eloqantly state your thoughts and facts.  I have been blessed many days in many ways by your posts!    Joyce W

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