Our Prayer Shouts Of Victory


April 13, 2021 by maryruwe

I was talking with some friends last week about prayer, and one said he sensed God telling him to shout for the victory.  He mentioned the Israelites shouting their victory when they went to take possession of the city of Jericho. 

If you remember in Joshua 6, God gave to Joshua instructions for the Israelites to march around the city of Jericho. The first six days they were to march once around the city each day in complete silence. But on the seventh day they were to march seven times around. Six times in silence and at the end of the seventh when the priest blew the trumpets they were to shout; and at that point the walls of Jericho fell down. 

Now to move this principle to our day, I see that our prayers are like the marching of the Israelites.  We spent time each day praying – sometimes in silence, sometimes in corporate with others. Maybe most of the time we pray when no one else sees or hears us.  However, we need to understand that this principle of giving a “shout of victory” is our way of praising God for answering our prays. Just as the Israelites shouted before the walls of Jericho fell, our shout of praise should be before we see the answers to our prayers. Even before we see any “walls” of difficulty come down, even before we have the healing yet manifested in our bodies, even before we see the answer to our financial problems, we are to shout out our praises of victory. This how our faith works.  We must believe what we pray, and see it as done by faith before we see our answers in this life.

Be encouraged that just like the sounds of those trumpets went up to heaven to avail the victory for the Israelites, our prayers and praise-shouts ascend into the heavenlies for the victories we need.

So, keep your prayers strong and steady. Don’t be weary, doubtful, or fearful. Keep your prayers filled with rejoicing and shouts of victory because we serve a God who makes us more than conquerors. (Romans 8:37)

Let’s be thankful to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57) Our prayers and rejoicing bring to pass the advancement of the Kingdom of God in our personal lives, in our families, our neighborhoods, cities, states, and yes, even in our Nation, and the world.

I want to remind you that victory is seen in the spirit realm by faith before it’s seen in this natural earthly realm. It is our faith that gives us the victory, first in our hearts (spirit), then in our lives. 




4 thoughts on “Our Prayer Shouts Of Victory

  1. Lisa G says:

    Love this encouragement. And love YOU, Mary!❤️

  2. Catherine Paxson says:

    Thanks for your piece on shouting the victory. If confirms that we are to pray in faith, believing.

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