Scriptures For Strategies

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June 5, 2021 by maryruwe

downloadI’m always amazed at the phrases the Lord gives me for a title or a message.  This one is no different, being very distinct in giving the clear impression of how we are to fight our fight of faith.  First Timothy 6:12 states that we are to fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life. Receiving eternal life is a one-time event or decision when we receive Jesus as Savior when we are born again.  However, fighting a good fight of faith indicates an on-going position.  Our fight of faith is continuous throughout our walk with God.  We are ever-changing from glory to glory.  (2 Corinthians 3:18)

We must realize that the strength and success of our walking by faith is based on our knowledge of the Word of God and the strategies He gives us to live according to His Word.  Strategies are plans or methods for achieving a certain end or result; a way of combating an enemy.  We are at war with the same enemy that is at war with God. The devil uses his schemes and deceptions to ensnare and trap us to pull us away from God’s plan for us.  We are to use the Word of God as the weapon of our warfare to pull down the strongholds of the enemy. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)

The strongholds the enemy uses to steal, kill and destroy our lives come in the form of deceptive thoughts, sickness and disease, poverty or lack, and broken relationships.  How we think determines how successful he is in our lives.  God’s plan for us is to know His Word well enough so we can speak it with confidence in Him to bring to pass that which we take authority over in our lives, by the authority He gives us in His Word.

The centurion in Matthew 8:8 had the right idea when he answered with, “only speak a word and my servant will be healed”.  His faith was in the authority of Jesus’ words.  Our faith also is to come from the authority of the Word of God, and we are to speak it out in order to have it reigning in our lives.  (Mark 11:24)

Here are some of my favorite Scripture to strategize my attacks against the devil. I speak words in agreement with God’s Word over my thoughts, body, and life.

Thoughts: Philippians 4:8 is a way to judge our thoughts; whether they are true, honest, pure, lovely, of good report, and be of virtue.  How we think in our heart has a great impact on our lives of what we say and how we live. (Proverbs 23:7) We learn from Proverbs 18:21 that death and life are in the power of the tongue.  Our words have the power to bring to pass what we say, and what we say is directly related to how and what we think. To control our thoughts, we must judge our thoughts, whether they are in an agreement with or against the knowledge of God. If our words are adverse to what the Bible says, we are to cast them down and bring them into the obedience of Christ.  That means to repent from imaginations and words of doubt and unbelief. We must speak words of faith and exalt God.  (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)

Sickness and Disease: The Bible states that God was with Jesus who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil. (Acts 10:38) Matthew 4:8; 8:16; 12:15 and many more Scriptures tell us that Jesus healed all manner of sickness and disease; and since Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, He is still healing today!  (Hebrews 13:8) I believe that God sent His Word (Jesus) to heal me and deliver me from the destruction of sickness and disease. (Psalm 107:20) I believe as the Word says in Psalm 103:1-3 that God forgives all my iniquities, and heals all my diseases. I especially like Jeremiah 30:17 that tells me that the Lord will restore health unto me and heal my wounds, and speak it over my body.

Poverty or lack:  No one like to be poor or in in a state of lack of necessities. Or, for that matter, it’s no fun just living from paycheck to paycheck, barely getting by. God doesn’t like it either, and He wants us to be abundantly blessed.  Malachi 3:8-10 gives us a promise from God that when we tithe our income, He will open windows of heaven to bless us. This passage also tells us that as believers if we do not tithe, we are robbing God!  Do you tithe? If not, maybe that’s one reason you’re short on finances.  Another favorite Scripture of mine is Proverbs 3:9-10 that teaches us to: honor the Lord with our substance (or possessions) of all our increase so our barns will be filled with plenty.  I don’t know about you but it brings great joy to my heart when I give – not only my tithe to my church, but give to other ministries as well. God loves a cheerful giver according to Second Corinthians 9:7. So, be happy to give what you have and believe God to bless His return to you.

Broken relationship: I’m sure everyone reading this has had a broken relationship at one time or another. Even a broken heart.  Whether it stemmed from a one walking away from us, or us needing to break them, let’s be honest, it happens to the best of us with the best intentions. The question is how do we deal with these situations; how do we go about receiving help and healing from God. Well, be sure to start with understanding and believing what the Bible says in Psalm 34:18: The Lord is nigh (close by) to them that are of a broken heart; and saves such as be of a contrite spirit. The word contrite means to be penitent or repentant. When I read this Scripture, I see the brokenness from two avenues.  One from a broken heart that could possibly come from a hurt because of someone else. The second part is when we realize we’ve done something that caused a hurt, and we need to repent of before God. Notice that in each and either case, God is close by to comfort and to heal. God is good. Psalm 51:17 tells us that God does not despise a broken and a contrite heart.  So, my advice is to stay humble before God in every season of life.

If you haven’t learned Scripture, let me encourage you to learn – memorize – Scriptures for different seasons or areas of your life that gives you answers, hope, help, healing, strength, and grace to stay strong in your living for God.

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